

Unity package library for serializing and deserializing TOML data.

NOTE: This package is still in development and may have breaking changes in future versions until a stable v1.0.0 release is made.

What is TOML?

TOML is a relatively newer file format, similar to JSON and YAML files, used for storing data in a human-readable format.

Why use TOML?

  • Simple and straightforward format.
  • Easy to read and write, especially for humans.
  • Less overhead and control characters than JSON.
  • Supports comments.

Why use this package?

While there are various TOML libraries available for .NET, this package aims to provide a simple and easy to use API for serializing and deserializing TOML data in Unity.

It aims to provide a familiar API to Unity's JsonUtility API for serializing and deserializing JSON data. Additionally, it provides ways to customize the serialization process via attributes similar to those in Microsoft's System.Text.Json namespace.

It is also covered with unit tests to ensure the reliability of the package library as new features are introduced.


This package is compatible with Unity 2019.1 and later. It only uses C# 7.3 features and targets .NET Framework 4.6.

While it is recommended to use one of the latest LTS releases of Unity, there are older projects that may opt to use this library.


While this package does implement most of the TOML 1.0 specification, it is not intended to support every aspect of the specification.. It is intended to provide a simple, easy-to-use, and performant library for serializing and deserializing objects to and from TOML format for the majority of use cases.

That means when importing TOML files generated by other libraries or programs, there may be some issues with deserialization. However, if you are using this library to generate TOML files, you should not have any issues.


All notable changes to this library will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.4.10] - 2023-05-01


  • Use custom IsEquivalentTo comparison method to prevent GetHashCode override warnings


  • Missing .meta file

[0.4.9] - 2023-01-13


  • TomlInlineAttribute now properly applied to complex types during serialization

[0.4.8] - 2023-01-13


  • Nested table and table array keys are now properly prefixed with the parent table key when serialized
  • Empty table keys are no longer serialized (as they are not necessary)
  • Nested tables and table arrays are now properly deserialized

[0.4.7] - 2023-01-09


  • Escape whitespace strings in non-multiline strings
  • Escape \f form-feed character in strings
  • Unescape whitespace chars in character and string arrays
  • All code is now C# 7.3 and .NET Framework 4.6 compatible for Unity 2019.1+

[0.4.6] - 2023-01-04


  • TomlCamelCaseAttribute custom attribute
  • TomlPascalCaseAttribute custom attribute
  • TomlSnakeCaseAttribute custom attribute (allow for uppercase)
  • TomlKebabCaseAttribute custom attribute


  • TomlCasingAttribute custom attribute in favor of specific ones

[0.4.5] - 2023-01-04


  • TomlHexNumberAttribute custom attribute
  • TomlOctalNumberAttribute custom attribute
  • TomlBinaryNumberAttribute custom attribute
  • TomlDateTimeFormatAttribute custom attribute


  • TomlNumberFormatAttribute custom attribute in favor of specific ones

[0.4.4] - 2023-01-02


  • Serialization support for PositiveInfinity, NegativeInfinity and NaN values
  • Deserialization support for PositiveInfinity, NegativeInfinity and NaN values
  • TomlNumberFormatAttribute for serializing integer values in different formats
  • Deserialize hex integer values (e.g. 0xdead_beef)
  • Deserialize oct integer values (e.g. 0o755)
  • Deserialize bin integer values (e.g. 0b1101010)
  • Unit tests for number formats and digit separators (e.g. 1_000_000)

[0.4.3] - 2022-12-31


  • TomlMultilineAttribute can be applied to arrays and lists to serialize them as multiline TOML arrays
  • TomlLiteralAttribute can be applied to lists of strings to serialize them as TOML literal strings
  • TomlLiteralAttribute can be applied to dictionaries of strings to serialize them as TOML literal strings

[0.4.2] - 2022-12-31


  • Deserialization support for multiline arrays (including jagged arrays)


  • Allow trailing commas for arrays

[0.4.1] - 2022-12-30


  • TomlLiteralAttribute custom attribute for serializing literal strings
  • TomlMultilineAttribute custom attribute for serializing multi-line strings (including literals)
  • TomlInlineAttribute custom attribute for serializing inline tables explicitly
  • TomlExpandAttribute custom attribute for serializing expanded tables explicitly
  • More unit tests for various serialization cases


  • TomlFloat values can be coerced into integer values (will be truncated)

[0.4.0] - 2022-12-30


  • TomlKeyAttribute custom attribute for overriding the TOML key of a field
  • TomlCasingAttribute custom attribute for overriding the TOML key casing of an object or field


  • Excessive escaping of strings in TOML output

[0.3.5] - 2022-12-29


  • Deserialization of multiline basic strings using """ syntax
  • Deserialization of multiline literal strings using ''' syntax
  • Deserialization of unicode escape sequences in basic strings using \uXXXX syntax
  • More documentation on deserialization rules
  • Proper escaping of serialized strings


  • Updated icons for TomlImporter and TomlExporter components


  • Now properly ignores inline comments when parsing TOML
  • Ignore escape sequences in literal strings

[0.3.4] - 2022-12-28


  • Serialization of jagged arrays
  • Unit tests for jagged arrays


  • Made HasDefaultConstructor method private, as it is an internal helper method


  • Escaping of quoted strings

[0.3.3] - 2022-12-27


  • TomlImporter component to import TOML files into Unity objects
  • Custom editor for TomlExporter component
  • Custom editor for TomlImporter component
  • Sample scene for TomlImporter component
  • Icons for TomlExporter and TomlImporter components


  • Renamed sourceObject to targetObject for TomlExporter component
  • Removed outputDirectory from TomlExporter component
  • Renamed defaultFilename to outputFile for TomlExporter component
  • Updated documentation

[0.3.2] - 2022-12-27


  • Unit tests for bidirectional serialization to and from TOML
  • Support for serializing nested objects using dot (.) notation


  • Serialization of arrays and lists containing null values
  • Serialization of mixed arrays and lists containing nested arrays and lists
  • Serialization of mixed dictionaries containing arrays and lists

[0.3.1] - 2022-12-26


  • Serialization order of tables and arrays within another table

[0.3.0] - 2022-12-26


  • Deserialize methods for TomlSerializer static class
  • Unit tests for Deserialize methods
  • Unit tests for Serialize methods
  • Updated documentation


  • Serialize now only serializes IList instead of IEnumerable fields


  • Escape double quotes and backslashes in serialized strings

[0.2.0] - 2022-12-21


  • TomlExporter component for exporting TOML files from Unity objects
  • Documentation for TomlExporter component
  • Exporter sample scene
  • Serializer sample scene


  • TomlSerializer not putting a new line space between tables

[0.1.0] - 2022-12-20


  • TomlSerializer class for serializing objects to TOML format
  • Unit tests for TomlSerializer class
  • Documentation for TomlSerializer class
  • Documentation for serialization rules
  • Documentation for supported types



OpenUPM is an open source Unity package registry that allows you to easily install thousands of packages.

You can install this library with the following CLI command:

$ openupm add com.underlogic.toml-serialization


Starting with Unity 2019.3 you can add packages via git url. You can add this package by the following url: https://github.com/UnderLogic/runtime-variables

Using this method will allow you to update the package through the Unity Package Manager.

Local Package

Alternatively, you can clone the git repository and add the package locally.

Getting Started


TOML is a data format similar to JSON, but looks like an INI file. It is designed to be easy to read and write by humans, and is a good alternative to JSON for configuration files.

It also maps well to hash tables and dictionaries, which makes it a good choice for serializing data.


The Samples~ folder contains sample scenes showcasing various aspects of the library in action. It is recommended to import and play around with them in Unity to get a feel for how to use the library.

Define a Model


The first step to using TOML in Unity is to define a model class (or struct) that represents the data you want to serialize or deserialize.

It can be as simple as a single class, or it can be a complex hierarchy of classes. The serializer will automatically serialize and deserialize the entire object graph, if possible.

A common use case is to define a model class that represents a configuration file, let's say PlayerSettings:

Player Settings Model

public class PlayerSettings
    private string _playerName = "Player";
    private int _credits;
    private string _difficultyLevel = "Normal";
    private float _soundVolume = 1.0f;
    private float _musicVolume = 1.0f;
    // ... other fields
    private DateTime _lastSavedAt;  // will not be serialized

The model class must be marked with the SerializableAttribute attribute, which tells the serializer to include the class in the serialization process.

If you have fields you do not want to be serialized, you can mark them with the NonSerializedAttribute attribute. They will be ignored by the serializer and deserializer.

Field Attributes

The TOML serializer supports a number of attributes that can be applied to fields to control how they are serialized and deserialized.

For more information on the attributes, see the Attributes page.


It is recommended that you have a parameterless constructor for your model classes. You can use constructor chaining to call a constructor with parameters, if you need to.

This is because the serializer will create an instance of your model class using the parameterless constructor, and then populate the fields using the deserialized data. If you do not have a parameterless constructor, the serializer will throw an exception.

By default, all classes have a parameterless constructor, but if you have a custom constructor, you will need to add a parameterless constructor yourself. All structs have a parameterless constructor as they are value types.

Serializing to a File

In the next step, we will serialize the PlayerSettings model to a TOML file.

Serialize to File


Once you have defined a model, you can serialize it to a TOML file. You can also load it from a TOML file if you have a model that matches the structure of the file.

In this example, we are going to assume this is the first time we are serializing this model so no file exists yet.

Serializer Example

In order to serialize a model to a TOML file, you need to use the TomlSerializer Serialize static method.

To do this in Unity, we can create a simple MonoBehaviour that does this on the Start method.

Alternatively, you can use the TomlExporter which does this for you, assuming your data is a ScriptableObject.

using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerSettingsSaver : MonoBehaviour
    private PlayerSettings _playerSettings;

    private void Awake()
        // Initialize the player settings
        _playerSettings = new PlayerSettings();

    private void Start()
        // Save the player settings to a TOML file in the persistent data path
        var filePath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "player-settings.toml");
        TomlSerializer.Serialize(settings, filePath);

As you can see, we are creating a new instance of the PlayerSettings class and then serializing it to a file.

Obviously, you would want to do this when the player saves their settings, but for the sake of this example, we are doing it on the Start method.

TOML Output

playerName = "Player"
credits = 0
difficultyLevel = "Normal"
soundVolume = 1.0
musicVolume = 1.0

Load from a File

In the next step, we will load the PlayerSettings model from a TOML file.

Deserialize from File


Once you have defined a model, you can deserialize it from a TOML file. In the previous step, we serialized a PlayerSettings model to a TOML file.

In some cases you may only be consuming TOML files and not creating them. You can still use the TOML serializer to deserialize a model from a TOML file.

Deserializer Example

In order to deserialize a model from a TOML file, you need to use the TomlSerializer Deserialize or DeserializeInto static methods.

To do this in Unity, we can create a simple MonoBehaviour that does this on the Start method.

Alternatively, you can use the TomlImporter which does this for you, assuming your data is a ScriptableObject.

using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerSettingsLoader : MonoBehaviour
    private PlayerSettings _playerSettings;

    private void Awake()
        // Initialize the player settings
        _playerSettings = new PlayerSettings();

    private void Start()
        // Load the player settings from a TOML file in the persistent data path
        var filePath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "player-settings.toml");
        using (var reader = new StreamReader(filePath))
            TomlSerializer.DeserializeInto(reader, _playerSettings);

As you can see, we are creating a new instance of the PlayerSettings class and then deserializing it from a file.

Obviously, you would want to do this on application load but for the sake of this example, we are doing it on the Start method.

Deserialize vs. DeserializeInto

There are two ways to deserialize a model from a TOML file, and they behave the same way.

The Deserialize<T> method will create a new instance of the model and return it. The requirement is that the T being passed in is a class or struct that has a parameterless constructor.

In some cases, you may want to deserialize a model into an existing instance. You can use the DeserializeInto<T> method for this.

This is common when you are loading a model from a file and then updating it with new values. Or the type you are deserializing does not have a parameterless constructor.

Scriptable Objects

One example of needing the DeserializeInto method this is when deserializing a ScriptableObject in Unity. You may have an existing instance of a ScriptableObject that you want to deserialize into.

// Assume PlayerSettings is a ScriptableObject

// Deserialize into an existing ScriptableObject
TomlSerializer.DeserializeInto(tomlString, _playerSettings);

// Deserialize into a new ScriptableObject
var newSettings = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<PlayerSettings>();
tomlSerializer.DeserializeInto(tomlString, newSettings);

// This will not work with ScriptableObjects, use the above instead
var newSettings = TomlSerializer.Deserialize<PlayerSettings>(tomlString);

You can also do the same for deserializing into MonotBehaviour instances.

Supported Types

This package library aims to support the most common use cases for serializing and deserializing data.

To see more information how these are serialized into TOML, see the Serialization Rules page sections.


The following scalar types are supported:

  • bool
  • char
  • string
  • sbyte
  • short
  • int
  • long
  • byte
  • ushort
  • uint
  • float
  • double
  • DateTime

NOTE: Unsigned 64-bit integer types (ulong) are not supported, per the TOML specification.

Enum Values

Enum values are supported including bitflags marked with the FlagsAttribute.

Object Values

Boxed object values are supported. This can be useful when used in conjunction with arrays, lists, and dictionaries for mixed collections.


Custom struct types are supported and must be marked with the SerializableAttribute attribute.


Custom class types are supported and must be marked with the SerializableAttribute attribute.

Unity's ScriptableObject and MonoBehaviour types are supported.


Arrays of any supported type are allowed and can be serialized. Jagged arrays are supported, but multidimensional arrays are not.


Lists of any supported type are allowed and can be serialized. This includes IList non-generic and IList<T> generic interfaces.


Dictionaries are supported if TKey is string and TValue is one of the supported types. This includes custom types, array types, and nested dictionary types as a value.



This package library is not intended to support every aspect of the TOML 1.0 specification.

Instead, it is intended to provide a simple, easy-to-use, and performant library for serializing and deserializing objects to and from TOML format for the majority of use cases.

With that, there are some limitations to the serialization process. These may be solved in future versions of the library.

Field Name Collisions

When serializing an object to TOML, the library will attempt to use the field name as the key in the TOML document. It will strip the leading underscore (_) from the field name if it exists and use the remaining name as the key.

If the object being serialized has two fields, one named _name and the other named name, the library will throw an exception.


public class SomeObject
    private string _name;
    private string name;  // <-- Will throw an exception on serialize

This is usually not a problem, as you should not have two fields with the same name in the same object.


  1. Rename one of the fields.
  2. Use the TomlKeyAttribute attribute to specify a different key name for the field.
  3. Use the NonSerializedAttribute to exclude one of the fields from serialization.

Key Names

When serializing an object the library will attempt to use the field name as the key in the TOML document. For nested objects beyond the first level, the library will use dot (.) notation to represent the table name.

For key-value pairs, the key will never be serialized using dot notation.

The library does not attempt to escape the key names in any way. This is usually not a problem, as C# field names usually are alphanumeric.

Multiline Inline Tables

This library does not support multiline inline tables. However, standard tables are supported as well as single-line inline tables.


# This is a valid standard table that spans multiple lines.
value = "bar"

# This is a valid single-line inline table.
inline_table = { foo = "bar", baz = "qux" }

# This is an invalid multiline inline table.
inline_table = {
    foo = "bar",
    baz = "qux"

The TOML specification highly recommends using standard tables over inline tables where possible.


This library does not support two-way serialization of fields that represent interfaces. This is because the library does not know which concrete type to use when deserializing the data.

Since fields can be made private you should not need to serialize interfaces. Instead your backing fields should be of the concrete type, and the interface should be a property that can be accessed publicly.

Abstract & Derived Classes

This library does not support two-way serialization of abstract or base classes. This is because the library does not know which concrete type to use when deserializing the data.

When deserializing a base class, the library will only serialize the fields that are defined in the base class. This can cause issues if the concrete type has additional fields that are not defined in the base class.

You should always use specific concrete types when serializing and deserializing data.

Deeply Nested Objects

When serializing deeply nested objects, the library may incorrectly serialize the object or inline some of the fields.

While this is not a problem for most use cases, it is something to be aware of if you notice awkwardly formatted TOML documents.

Multidimensional Arrays

This library does not support multidimensional arrays. This is because it is not possible to represent multidimensional arrays in TOML.

However, jagged arrays ("arrays of arrays") are supported for scalar types. They must be all of the same type, or boxed as object arrays.

For example, you can use int[][] but not int[,].

Unsigned 64-bit Integers

The ulong type is not supported by the TOML specification, so they are not supported by this library. Unsigned 32-bit integers (uint) are supported, however.

You can use signed 64-bit integers (long) instead, as they are supported by the TOML specification. All integer values are stored as signed 64-bit integers in the TOML document.

If you need large integer values, use long instead of int or uint.

Floating Point Precision

When serializing floating point numbers, the library will use the default precision of the double type, which is 15 digits. Any digits beyond the 15th will be rounded.

This is usually not a problem, but it is something to be aware of if you notice floating point numbers being rounded.

Monetary Values

The decimal type is not supported. For storing monetary values, either use a string for the value or int for the value in cents.

Due to rounding errors, the float and double types are not recommended for storing monetary values.


public class InAppPurchase
    private int _priceInCents = 1299;
    private string _price = "12.99"

Under the Hood


This document is intended for developers who wish to understand the inner workings of the TOML serializer. It is not required reading for users of the library.

It also serves as documentation for the serialization and deserialization process at a more granular level.

All of these are marked as internal and not exposed to the public API of this library. The only exception is the TomlSerializer class, which is the entry point for serialization and deserialization.


The TomlSerializer uses an internal marshalling process to convert objects to and from TOML. These objects serve as a bridge between the TOML document and the object being serialized or deserialized.

These are the TomlValue derived classes below:

  • TomlNull
  • TomlBoolean
  • TomlDateTime
  • TomlFloat
  • TomlInteger
  • TomlString
  • TomlArray
  • TomlTable
  • TomlTableArray

The TomlArray, TomlTable and TomlTableArray can contain any of the above types as well (nested).

The TomlTable can be inline or standard (expanded). This is determined by the TomlTable.IsInline property.


The serialization process is broken down into three steps done by the TomlSerializer class:

  1. Iterate over the object's fields
  2. Marshal each field's value into a TOML value (recursively)
  3. Write the TOML root table

Field Iteration

The TomlSerializer class iterates over the fields of the object using reflection, ignoring any fields marked with the NonSerialized attribute.

It will recursively iterate over any nested objects, and supports arrays, lists, and dictionaries.

Field Marshaling

The TomlSerializer class converts each field's value into a TomlValue based on the field's type. See the above possible TomlValue types.

The value is added to the root table, child table, or child array using the field's name as the key.

Root Table Writing

The TomlSerializer class writes the root table to the TOML document using the TomlWriter class.

The TomlWriter class is responsible for writing the TOML document to a string, stream, or writer and all of the formatting.


The deserialization process is broken down into three steps done by the TomlSerializer class:

  1. Parse the TOML document into marshalled objects
  2. Create the deserialized object
  3. Unmarshal the TOML root table into the deserialized object (recursively)

NOTE: In the DeserializeInto method, the deserialized object is passed in as a parameter instead of being created.

TOML Document Parsing

The TomlSerializer class reads the TOML document using the TomlReader class.

The TomlReader class is responsible for reading the TOML document from a string, stream, or reader and parsing it into TomlValue objects.

The TomlLineBuffer class is used to aid parsing of multiline strings, lists, and dictionaries. It acts as an enumerable over the actual lines of the document (ignoring comments and whitespace).

Object Creation

The TomlSerializer class creates the deserialized object using the Activator or Array static class methods. This is done by calling the default constructor of the object's type.

Field Deserialization

The TomlSerializer class converts each parsed TomlValue to the field's type and sets it. This includes scalar values, complex types, arrays, lists, and dictionaries.

Field Selection


This library uses reflection to determine which fields to serialize and deserialize within an object.

By default, all public and private instance fields are serialized and deserialized unless they are marked with the NonSerializedAttribute.

Properties are not serialized or deserialized. This is because properties may not have a backing field, or may be read-only.

Field Naming


This library uses reflection to determine the name of each field when serializing an object into TOML.

By default, the name of each field is used as the key in the TOML document. This can be overridden by using the TomlKeyAttribute.

Any leading underscores (_) are removed from the field name before it is used as the key in the TOML document, unless explicitly named.

Name Casing

By default, each field is named as-is using the same casing as the field name.

This can be overriden by using one of the casing attributes:


public class PlayerCharacter
    private string _name;
    private int _level;
    private int _experience;

This object will be serialized to the following TOML document:

name = "Hero"
level = 7
experience = 1250

Notice that the leading underscore (_) was removed from the field names in the TOML document.

Field Ordering


This library uses reflection to determine the order of each field to serialize and deserialize within an object.

By default, the fields are serialized and deserialized in the order they are declared in the object.

Table Order

When writing the object as a TOML table, the fields are written in the following way:

  1. All key-value pairs of the table are written.
  2. All nested tables are written.
  3. All nested table arrays are written.

This is done recursively for each nested table.


public class PlayerCharacter
    private string _name;
    private int _level;
    private int _experience;
    private PlayerStats _stats;
    private List<InventoryItem> _inventory;

This object will be serialized to the following TOML document:

name = "Hero"
level = 7
experience = 1250

health = 100
mana = 50

name = "Sword"
durability = 84

name = "Shield"
durability = 99

Notice that fields are written in the order they are declared in the object, and nested tables are written after the key-value pairs of the parent table.

Even if the _stats and _inventory fields were declared before the _name, _level, and _experience fields, they would still be written after them.

Field Mapping


This library uses reflection to determine the name of each field when deserializing TOML into an object.

By default, the name of each field is used as the key in the TOML document. This can be overridden by using the TomlKeyAttribute.

Any leading underscores (_) are removed from the field name before it is used as the key in the TOML document, unless explicitly named.

Name Casing

By default, each field is named as-is using the same casing as the field name.

This can be overriden by using one of the casing attributes:


public class PlayerCharacter
    private string _name;
    private int _level;
    private int _experience;

This object can be deserialized from the following TOML document:

name = "Hero"
level = 7
experience = 1250

Notice that the leading underscore (_) in the field name is ignored when deserializing the TOML document into the object.

Value Coercion


When deserialize a TOML document into an object, the TOML values are coerced into the target type of the object field when possible.

This is only possible when the target type can be converted using a normal cast operation. It is not possible to convert between types that are not implicitly convertible.

NOTE: These are intentionally very limited to prevent silent errors when deserializing TOML documents.

Float => Integer Values

When deserializing a floating point number into an integer field, the floating point number will be truncated to the nearest whole integer value.


radius = 3.14

This would be coerced into any integer field as 3. Any fractional part of the number is discarded.

Integer => Float Values

When deserializing an integer into a floating point number field, the integer will be converted to a floating point number.


radius = 3

This would be coerced into any floating point number field as 3.0. There is no loss of precision in this case.



This library supports serializing and deserializing bool value fields.


Boolean values are serialized as either true or false as a TOML boolean. These are always lowercase.


Boolean values are deserialized from TOML as either true or false, case-insensitive.


public class PlayerAccount
    private bool _isPremium;
    private bool _isBanned;

Can be serialized and deserialized as the following TOML document:

isPremium = true
isBanned = false



This library supports serializing and deserializing char value fields.


Character values are serialized as a single character TOML string.


Character values are deserialized from TOML as a single character string.

If the string is empty, the character value is set to '\0'.

If the string is longer than one character, only the first character is used.


public class SystemLocale
    private char _thousandsSeparator;
    private char _decimalSeparator;

Can be serialized and deserialized as the following TOML document:

thousandsSeparator = ","
decimalSeparator = "."



This library supports serializing and deserializing string value fields.

Literal Strings

Literal strings are serialized using the single quote (') character, with no escaping of special characters.

For literal strings containing single quotes, the string must be enclosed in triple quotes (''').

Multiline Strings

Multiline strings are serialized using the triple quote (""") character.

Literal multiline strings are serialized using the triple single quote (''') character.

Escaped Strings

Basic strings must escape the following characters:

  • \\ (backslash)
  • \" (double quote)
  • \n (newline)
  • \r (carriage return)
  • \t (tab)
  • \uXXXX (unicode character)


String values are serialized as TOML basic strings by default.

Strings can be serialized as literal strings in TOML via the TomlLiteralAttribute.

Strings can be serialized as multiline strings in TOML via the TomlMultilineAttribute.


String values are deserialized from TOML as any of the valid TOML string types (basic, literal, or multiline).


public class Quest
    private string _name;
    private string _description;
    private string _scriptPath;

Can be serialized and deserialized as the following TOML document:

name = "The Quest for the Holy Grail"
description = """
The Quest for the Holy Grail is a 1975 British musical comedy film directed and co-written by
Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones, and starring Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam,
Terry Jones, Michael Palin, and Carol Cleveland."""
scriptPath = 'C:\Users\Arthur\Documents\quest.py'



This library supports serializing and deserializing Enum value fields.

Bit Flags

Enums can be bitflags marked with the FlagsAttribute.


Enum values are serialized as a TOML string.

If the enum is marked with the FlagsAttribute, the enum value is serialized as a comma-separated list of enum values.


Enum values are deserialized from TOML as a TOML string.


public class Hero
    private string _name;
    private int _level;
    private HeroClass _class;
    private StatusEffects _statusEffects;

Can be serialized and deserialized as the following TOML document:

name = "Gandalf"
level = 100
class = "Wizard"
statusEffects = "Poisoned, Confused"



This library supports serializing and deserializing the following integer value fields:

Signed Types

  • sbyte (signed 8-bit integer)
  • short (signed 16-bit integer)
  • int (signed 32-bit integer)
  • long (signed 64-bit integer)

Unsigned Types

  • byte (unsigned 8-bit integer)
  • ushort (unsigned 16-bit integer)
  • uint (unsigned 32-bit integer)

NOTE: 64-bit unsigned integers (ulong) is not supported because TOML does not support them.


Integer values are serialized as a TOML integer, in decimal (base 10) by default.

The number format can be changed by specifying one of the following attributes:


Integer values are deserialized from TOML as a TOML integer.

Underscores (_) can be used as digit separators for clarity.

Any valid number format is supported, including: decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary. These are specified with 0x, 0o, and 0b prefixes.


public class PlayerStats
    private int _health;
    private int _mana;
    private int _strength;
    private int _dexterity;
    private int _intelligence;
    private int _endurance;
    private int _luck;

Can be serialized and deserialized as the following TOML document:

health = 100
mana = 25
strength = 9
dexterity = 7
intelligence = 3
endurance = 8
luck = 5

Floating Point


This library supports serializing and deserializing float and double value fields.

NOTE: The decimal type is not supported because TOML does not support it.

Special Values

The following special values are supported:

  • NaN (not a number) as nan or -nan
  • PositiveInfinity as inf or +inf
  • NegativeInfinity as -inf


Floating point values are serialized as a TOML float.


Floating point values are deserialized from TOML as a TOML float.

Underscores (_) can be used as digit separators for clarity.

Scientific notation is supported using the e character. Any of the special values are supported.


public class PlayerStats
    private float _health;
    private float _maxHealth;
    private float _mana;
    private float _maxMana;

Can be serialized and deserialized as the following TOML document:

health = 50.0
maxHealth = 100.0
mana = 20.0
maxMana = 40.0



This library supports serializing and deserializing DateTime value fields.


DateTime values are serialized as a TOML date-time.

They are serialized in ISO 8601 format, with the following format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.FFFZ by default.

The Z at the end indicates that the time is in UTC, and the T separator is omitted for clarity.

The format can be changed by specifying the TomlDateTimeFormatAttribute.


DateTime values are deserialized from TOML as a TOML date-time.

Any format that is supported by the DateTime.Parse method will be deserialized.


public class PlayerAccount
    private DateTime _createdDate;
    private DateTime _lastLoginDate;

Can be serialized and deserialized as the following TOML document:

createdDate = 2021-01-01 00:00:00Z
lastLoginDate = 2022-08-04 00:00:00Z



This library supports serializing and deserializing Array value fields.

Any type that is supported can be serialized and deserialized as an array of that type.

NOTE: It is recommended to use List fields instead of Array fields, when possible.

Mixed Arrays

Arrays can contain mixed types as long as the array is defined as object[].

Each element in the array will be serialized as its own TOML value.

Jagged Arrays

Multidimensional arrays (ex: int[,]) are not supported.

Instead, use jagged arrays (ex: int[][]).


Array values are serialized differently based on their element type.

By default, TOML arrays are serialized as inline arrays. This can be changed by marking the field with the TomlMultilineAttribute.


Array values are deserialized from TOML as a TOML array or TOML table array.

Mixed arrays are supported, but must be defined as object[].


public class PlayerInventory
    private string[] tags;
    private Item[] _items;

Can be serialized and deserialized as the following TOML document:

tags = ["loot", "common"]

name = "Sword"
weight = 5.1

name = "Shield"
weight = 10.2



This library supports serializing and deserializing List<T> value fields.

Any type that is supported can be serialized and deserialized as a list of that type.

Mixed Lists

List can contain mixed types as long as the list is defined as List<object>.

Each element in the list will be serialized as its own TOML value.


List values are serialized differently based on their element type.

By default, TOML arrays are serialized as inline arrays. This can be changed by marking the field with the TomlMultilineAttribute.


List values are deserialized from TOML as a TOML array or TOML table array.

Mixed lists are supported, but must be defined as List<object>.


public class PlayerInventory
    private List<string> tags;
    private List<Item> _items;

Can be serialized and deserialized as the following TOML document:

tags = ["loot", "common"]

name = "Sword"
weight = 5.1

name = "Shield"
weight = 10.2



This library supports serializing and deserializing Dictionary<string, TValue> fields, where TValue is a supported type.

Mixed Dictionaries

Dictionary values can contain mixed types as long as the dictionary is defined as Dictionary<string, object>.

Each value in the dictionary will be serialized as its own TOML value.


Dictionary values are serialized differently based on their value type.

To override the default behavior, mark the field with the TomlInlineAttribute or TomlExpandAttribute.


Dictionary values are deserialized from TOML as an inline TOML table or standard TOML table.

Mixed dictionaries are supported, but must be defined as Dictionary<string, object>.


public class PlayerEquipment
    private Dictionary<string, string> _tags;
    private Dictionary<string, Item> _gear;

Can be serialized and deserialized as the following TOML document:

tags = { loot = "common" }

name = "Sword"
weight = 5.1

name = "Shield"
weight = 10.2

Complex Type


This library supports serializing and deserializing complex type (class or struct) fields.

The same serialization rules apply to nested types as they do to the top-level type.

The complex type must be marked with the SerializableAttribute.

Parameterless Constructor

The serializer requires a parameterless constructor (new()) for the type. This is because the serializer uses reflection to create an instance of the type to populate.

All struct types have a parameterless constructor, so they are supported.

You can use constructor chaining to create a parameterless constructor for a class type, initializing default values.


Complex type values are serialized as a TOML table, by default.

To override the default behavior, mark the field with the TomlInlineAttribute or TomlExpandAttribute.


Complex type values are deserialized from TOML as a TOML table.


public class PlayerCharacter
    private string _name;
    private int _level;
    private int _experience;
    private int _gold;
    private int _health;
    private int _mana;
    private PlayerStats _stats;
    private int _statPoints;

public class PlayerStats
    private int _stamina;
    private int _strength;
    private int _dexterity;
    private int _intelligence;
    private int _luck;

Can be serialized and deserialized as the following TOML document:

name = "Player"
level = 3
experience = 1250
gold = 150
health = 75
mana = 125
statPoints = 2

stamina = 2
strength = 4
dexterity = 6
intelligence = 8
luck = 5



This library supports serializing and deserializing ScriptableObject fields.

These are serialized the same as a Complex Type.

Similarly, they must also be marked with the SerializableAttribute.


ScriptableObject fields are serialized as a TOML table, by default.

To override the default behavior, mark the field with the TomlInlineAttribute or TomlExpandAttribute.

Use the NonSerializedAttribute to prevent a field from being serialized.


ScriptableObject fields are deserialized from TOML as a TOML table.

You must use the DeserializeInto method to deserialize into a ScriptableObject. This is because the serializer cannot create a new instance of the ScriptableObject type.

You can manually create instances via ScriptableObject.CreateInstance and pass them to DeserializeInto.


public class PlayerCharacter : ScriptableObject
    private string _name;
    private int _level;
    private int _experience;
    private int _gold;
    private int _health;
    private int _mana;

Can be serialized and deserialized as the following TOML document:

name = "Player"
level = 2
experience = 250
gold = 85
health = 100
mana = 50



This library supports serializing and deserializing MonoBehaviour fields.

These are serialized the same as a ScriptableObject.

Similarly, they must also be marked with the SerializableAttribute.


MonoBehaviour fields are serialized as a TOML table, by default.

To override the default behavior, mark the field with the TomlInlineAttribute or TomlExpandAttribute.

Use the NonSerializedAttribute to prevent a field from being serialized.


MonoBehaviour fields are deserialized from TOML as a TOML table.

You must use the DeserializeInto method to deserialize into a MonoBehaviour. This is because the serializer cannot create a new instance of the MonoBehaviour type.


public class PlayerCharacter : MonoBehaviour
    private string _name;
    private int _level;
    private int _experience;
    private int _gold;
    private int _health;
    private int _mana;

Can be serialized and deserialized as the following TOML document:

name = "Player"
level = 2
experience = 250
gold = 85
health = 100
mana = 50



Serialization is the process of converting an object into a TOML document. Deserialization is the process of converting a TOML document back into an object representation.

The TomlSerializer class provides static methods for serializing objects to and from TOML format.

You can read more about serialization in the Serialization Rules page. For more information how each individual type is serialized, see the type-specific serialization pages.

Please note the Limitations of the serialization process.


Static class that provides methods for serializing and deserializing objects to and from TOML format.


Provides static methods for serializing objects to and from TOML via string, Stream, TextReader or TextWriter instances.

For more information on what can be serialized, see the Supported Types page.

For more information on how objects are serialized to TOML, see the Serialization Rules page.

NOTE: There are limitations to the serialization process.

Public Methods

  • Serialize(object) : string - Returns a string containing the TOML representation of the serialized object.

  • Serialize(object, Stream, bool?) - Writes the TOML representation of the serialized object to the specified stream.

  • Serialize(object, TextWriter) - Writes the TOML representation of the serialized object using the specified text writer.

  • Deserialize<T>(string) : T - Returns an object of type T deserialized from the TOML string.

  • Deserialize<T>(Stream, bool?) : T - Returns an object of type T deserialized from the TOML stream.

  • Deserialize<T>(TextReader) : T - Returns an object of type T deserialized from the TOML text reader.

  • DeserializeInto(string, object) - Deserializes the TOML string into the specified object, overwriting any existing values.

  • DeserializeInto(Stream, object, bool?) - Deserializes the TOML stream into the specified object, overwriting any existing values.

  • DeserializeInto(TextReader, object) - Deserializes the TOML text reader into the specified object, overwriting any existing values.

NOTE: The Stream methods do not close the stream after writing to it. To close the stream after writing to it, set the optional leaveOpen parameter to false.


The TomlSerializer class can be used to serialize objects to TOML.

The object being serialized must be decorated with the SerializableAttribute. Any child fields that are object types must also be decorated with the SerializableAttribute.


public class PlayerCharacter
    private string _name;
    private int _level;
    private int _health;
    private int _maxHealth;
    private int _gold;

// Somewhere else in your code...

public void SavePlayerCharacter(PlayerCharacter playerCharacter)
    var directory = UnityEngine.Application.persistentDataPath;
    var saveFile = Path.Combine(directory, "save.toml");
    using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(saveFile))
        TomlSerializer.Serialize(playerCharacter, stream);

After running the above code, the save.toml file will contain the following:

name = "Player 1"
level = 7
health = 160
maxHealth = 200
gold = 1250


The TomlSerializer class can be used to deserialize objects from TOML.

The object being deserialized must be decorated with the SerializableAttribute. Any child fields that are object types must also be decorated with the SerializableAttribute.

NOTE: When using the Deserialize<T> method, the T type parameter must have a parameterless constructor.


public class PlayerCharacter
    private string _name;
    private int _level;
    private int _health;
    private int _maxHealth;
    private int _gold;

// Somewhere else in your code...

public void LoadPlayerCharacter()
    var directory = UnityEngine.Application.persistentDataPath;
    var fileToLoad = Path.Combine(directory, "save.toml");
    using (var stream = File.OpenRead(fileToLoad))
        var playerCharacter = TomlSerializer.Deserialize<PlayerCharacter>(stream);
        // or...
        var playerCharacter = new PlayerCharacter();
        TomlSerializer.DeserializeInto(stream, playerCharacter);


A MonoBehaviour class component.


Component that provides methods for exporting ScriptableObject data to TOML files from Unity scenes.

Serialized Fields (Inspector)

  • targetObject : ScriptableObject - The ScriptableObject to export to a TOML file.
  • outputFile : string - The path to the TOML file to export to.
  • usePersistentDataPath : bool - Whether to use the persistent data path for the exported TOML file.
  • ensureDirectoryExists : bool - Whether to create the directory for the exported TOML file, if it does not exist.

NOTE: The outputFile can include directories, but the directory must already exist unless ensureDirectoryExists is true.

Public Events (Inspector)

  • onExport : UnityEvent - The actions to perform when the export process completes successfully.
  • onError : UnityEvent<Exception> - The actions to perform when the export process fails.

Public Properties

  • TargetObject : ScriptableObject (get, set) - The ScriptableObject to export to a TOML file.
  • OutputFile : string (get, set) - The path to the TOML file to export to.
  • UsePersistentDataPath : bool (get, set) - Whether to use the persistent data path for the exported TOML file.
  • EnsureDirectoryExists : bool (get, set) - Whether to create the directory for the exported TOML file, if it does not exist.

Public Methods

  • Export() - Exports the source object to a TOML file with the default output file name.
  • ExportAs(string) - Exports the source object to a TOML file with the specified file name.

Output Directory

If usePersistentDataPath is true, the output directory will be appended to the persistent data path, otherwise it will be appended to the application data path.

usePersistentDataPathResolved Path
trueApplication.persistentDataPath + filename
falseApplication.dataPath + filename


A MonoBehaviour class component.


Component that provides methods for importing TOML data into ScriptableObject instances from Unity scenes.

Serialized Fields (Inspector)

  • targetObject : ScriptableObject - The ScriptableObject to import TOML data into.
  • inputFile : string - The path to the TOML file to import from.
  • usePersistentDataPath : bool - Whether to use the persistent data path for the imported TOML file.

NOTE: The inputFile can include directories, but the directory must already exist.

Public Events (Inspector)

  • onImport : UnityEvent - The actions to perform when the import process completes successfully.
  • onError : UnityEvent<Exception> - The actions to perform when the import process fails.

Public Properties

  • TargetObject : ScriptableObject (get, set) - The ScriptableObject to import TOML data into.
  • InputFile : string (get, set) - The path to the TOML file to import from.
  • UsePersistentDataPath : bool (get, set) - Whether to use the persistent data path for the imported TOML file.

Public Methods

  • Import() - Imports TOML data from a file with the default input file name.
  • ImportFrom(string) - Imports TOML data from a file with the specified file name.

Input Directory

If usePersistentDataPath is true, the input directory will be appended to the persistent data path, otherwise it will be appended to the application data path.

usePersistentDataPathResolved Path
trueApplication.persistentDataPath + filename
falseApplication.dataPath + filename



Attributes are used to customize the serialization and deserialization behavior of a class, struct, or field.


Many attributes can be composed together to provide a more specific behavior.

For example, the TomlLiteralAttribute attribute can be used in conjunction with the TomlMultilineAttribute attribute to specify that a string should be serialized as a literal string and that the string should be serialized as a multiline string.


Attributes are not inherited by derived classes, but they are inherited by fields of derived classes.

For example, a derived class inheriting from a base class marked with the TomlCasingAttribute will not inherit the casing behavior of the base class, but a field of the derived class will inherit the casing behavior of the base class.

Non-Serialized Fields

Fields marked with the NonSerializedAttribute will not be serialized or deserialized.



The TomlBinaryNumberAttribute can be applied to any integer type field to serialize it as binary numbers.

NOTE: This attribute has no effect on deserialization, as the number format is inferred from the TOML document.


When applied to a field, it will serialize the integer number as a binary number when serializing to TOML.

The value will be prefixed with 0b when serialized.



public class FileInfo
    private string _name;
    private long _sizeInBytes;
    private int _flags;

Would serialize into...

name = "file.txt"
sizeInBytes = 1024
flags = 0b10110100

Notice that the _flags field is serialized as a binary number.



The TomlCamelCaseAttribute can be applied to any class, struct, or field. It will cause the serializer to use camelCase when serializing the value or values to TOML.


  • When applied to a class or struct, it will cause the serializer to use camelCase when writing each field of the class or struct to TOML.
  • When applied to a field, it will cause the serializer to use camelCase when writing the key of the field to TOML.

NOTE: This is will be ignored if the TomlKeyAttribute is applied to the field.


This attribute is not inherited by derived classes. However, fields of base classes marked with this attribute will still be serialized using camelCase.

It is also not propagated to child objects when serializing nested complex types. You must apply this attribute to other complex types within the object graph if you want them to be serialized using camelCase.


Class Example

public class Quest
    private string _questName;
    private string _questDescription;
    private int _minLevel;
    private bool _isRepeatable;

Would serialize into...

questName = "Gather 10 Wood"
questDescription = "Gather 10 pieces of wood."
minLevel = 1
isRepeatable = true

Notice that the keys of the fields are serialized using camelCase.

Field Example

public class Quest
    private int _questId;
    private string _questName;
    private string _questDescription;
    private int _minLevel;
    private bool _isRepeatable;

Would serialize into...

questId = 1
quest_name = "Gather 10 Wood"
quest_description = "Gather 10 pieces of wood."
min_level = 1
is_repeatable = true

Notice that the key of the _questId field is serialized using camelCase even though the class is serialized using snake_case.



The TomlDateTimeFormatAttribute can be applied to any DateTime field to serialize it as a specific date-time format.

NOTE: This attribute has no effect on deserialization, as the date-time format is inferred from the TOML document.


When applied to a field, it will serialize the DateTime as a specific date-time format when serializing to TOML.

The value will be serialized according to the specified format string.

Public Properties

  • DateTimeFormat : string (get) - The format string to use when serializing the DateTime.



public class FileInfo
    private string _name;
    private long _sizeInBytes;
    private DateTime _lastModified;

Would serialize into...

name = "file.txt"
sizeInBytes = 1024
lastModified = 2020-01-01

Notice that the _lastModified field is serialized as a specific date-time format.



The TomlExpandAttribute can be used to serialize a field as a standard table. It acts as a hint to the serializer to expand the dictionary of key-value pairs into a standard table instead of an inline table.

It is the inverse of the TomlInlineAttribute attribute.

NOTE: This attribute has no effect on deserialization.


When applied to a field that would be serialized as an inline table, it will instead be serialized as a standard table.

NOTE: This will be ignored when the parent object is serialized as an inline table, as inline tables cannot contain standard tables.



public class Quest
    private string _name;
    private string _description;
    private int _minLevel;
    private bool _repeatable;
    private Dictionary<string, int> _rewards;

Would serialize into...

name = "Gather 10 Wood"
description = "Gather 10 pieces of wood."
minLevel = 1
repeatable = true

experience = 100
gold = 50
oakStick = 1
apples = 5

Notice that the _rewards field is serialized as a standard table instead of an inline table.



The TomlHexNumberAttribute can be applied to any integer type field to serialize it as hexadecimal numbers.

NOTE: This attribute has no effect on deserialization, as the number format is inferred from the TOML document.


When applied to a field, it will serialize the integer number as a hexadecimal number when serializing to TOML.

By default, it will be serialized as a lowercase hexadecimal number. This can be changed by passing true in the constructor.

The value will be prefixed with 0x when serialized.

Public Properties

  • IsUpperCase : bool (get) - Whether the hexadecimal number should be serialized as an uppercase number.



public class FileInfo
    private string _name;
    private long _sizeInBytes;
    private int _flags;

Would serialize into...

name = "file.txt"
sizeInBytes = 1024
flags = 0x2c04

Notice that the _flags field is serialized as a hex number (lowercase).



The TomlInlineAttribute can be used to serialize a field as an inline table. It acts as a hint to the serializer to write the dictionary of key-value pairs into an inline table.

It is the inverse of the TomlExpandAttribute attribute.

NOTE: This attribute has no effect on deserialization.


When applied to a field that would be serialized as a standard table, it will instead be serialized as an inline table.

NOTE: This will cause child objects to be serialized as inline tables as well, as inline tables cannot contain standard tables.



public struct Waypoint
    private int _x;
    private int _y;

public class Quest
    private string _name;
    private string _description;
    private int _minLevel;
    private bool _repeatable;
    private Dictionary<string, Waypoint> _waypoints;

Would serialize into...

name = "Gather 10 Wood"
description = "Gather 10 pieces of wood."
minLevel = 1
repeatable = true
waypoints = { "start" = { x = 0, y = 0 }, "end" = { x = 10, y = 10 } }

Notice that the _waypoints field is serialized as an inline table instead of a standard table.



The TomlKebabCaseAttribute can be applied to any class, struct, or field. It will cause the serializer to use kebab-case when serializing the value or values to TOML.

This is the default string casing so applying this attribute has no effect unless you have changed the default string casing for a class or struct.


  • When applied to a class or struct, it will cause the serializer to use kebab-case when writing each field of the class or struct to TOML.
  • When applied to a field, it will cause the serializer to use kebab-case when writing the key of the field to TOML.

NOTE: This is will be ignored if the TomlKeyAttribute is applied to the field.


This attribute is not inherited by derived classes. However, fields of base classes marked with this attribute will still be serialized using kebab-case.

It is also not propagated to child objects when serializing nested complex types. You must apply this attribute to other complex types within the object graph if you want them to be serialized using kebab-case.


Class Example

public class Quest
    private string _questName;
    private string _questDescription;
    private int _minLevel;
    private bool _isRepeatable;

Would serialize into...

quest-name = "Gather 10 Wood"
quest-description = "Gather 10 pieces of wood."
min-level = 1
is-repeatable = true

Notice that the keys of the fields are serialized using kebab-case.

Field Example

public class Quest
    private int _questId;
    private string _questName;
    private string _questDescription;
    private int _minLevel;
    private bool _isRepeatable;

Would serialize into...

quest-id = 1
questName = "Gather 10 Wood"
questDescription = "Gather 10 pieces of wood."
minLevel = 1
isRepeatable = true

Notice that the key of the _questId field is serialized using kebab-case while the other keys are serialized using the default casing.



The TomlKeyAttribute is used to customize the name of a field when serializing to TOML.

It is also used when deserializing from TOML to map the TOML key to the field.

NOTE: The key can only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).


When applied to a field, it will override the key of the field when serializing to TOML.

When deserializing from TOML, it will map the TOML key to the field.

NOTE: Two fields cannot have the same key within the same object.

Public Properties

  • Key: string (get) - The key to use when serializing and deserializing the field.



public class Quest
    private string _name;

    private string _description;

    private bool _completed;
    private DateTime _completedDate;

Would serialize into...

quest_name = "Save the Princess"
quest_description = "The princess has been kidnapped by a dragon."
quest_completed = true
quest_completed_date = 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z

Notice that the class fields have all been renamed to their corresponding TOML keys, prefixed with quest_.



The TomlLiteralAttribute can be used to serialize a field as a literal string. It acts as a hint to the serializer to write the field as a literal string, which will not escape any values.

It can be combined with the TomlMultilineAttribute attribute to serialize a field as a literal multi-line string.

NOTE: This attribute has no effect on deserialization.


  • When applied to a field that would be serialized as a string, it will instead be serialized as a literal string using the single quote character (').
  • When applied to a field that would be serialized as a multi-line string, it will instead be serialized as a literal multi-line string using the triple single quote character (''').
  • When applied to a field that would be serialized as a string array, it will instead be serialized as a literal string array using the single quote character (').

If the string value contains a single quote character, the string will be escaped with triple single quotes (''').


Scalar Example

public class Quest
    private string _name;
    private string _description;
    private int _minLevel;
    private bool _repeatable;

Would serialize into...

name = "Gather 10 Wood"
description = 'Gather 10 pieces of wood for "Old Choppy".'
minLevel = 1
repeatable = true

Here the _description field has been serialized as a literal string, which means that the quotes around "Old Choppy" are not escaped.

List Example

public class QuestLog
    private List<string> _completedQuests;

Would serialize into...

completedQuests = [ 'Gathering Wood', 'The "Lost" Ring', '''Where's My Cow?''' ]

Here the _completedQuests field has been serialized as a literal array, which means that the quotes around "Lost" are not escaped. The third element in the array is a literal multi-line string, which is serialized using triple single quotes (''') to escape the single quote character.

This can be combined with the TomlMultilineAttribute attribute to serialize the list as a multi-line array.

Dictionary Example

public class Inventory
    private Dictionary<string, string> _equipment;

Would serialize into...

equipment = { sword = 'The "Firey" Sword', shield = 'Aegis', helmet = '''Zeus' Helm''' }

Here the _equipment field has been serialized as a literal table, which means that the quotes around "Firey" are not escaped. The third element in the table is a literal multi-line string, which is serialized using triple single quotes (''') to escape the single quote character.



The TomlMultilineAttribute can be used to serialize a field as multi-line.

NOTE: This attribute has no effect on deserialization.


  • When applied to a field that would be serialized as a string, it will instead be serialized as a multi-line string using the triple double quote character (""").
  • When applied to a field that would be serialized as a literal string, it will instead be serialized as a literal multi-line string using the triple single quote character (''').
  • When applied to a field that would be serialized as an array or list, it will instead be serialized as a multi-line array with each element on a new line.


String Example

public class Quest
    private string _name;

    private string _description;
    private int _minLevel;
    private bool _repeatable;
    private string _questText;

Would serialize into...

name = "Gather 10 Wood"
description = "Gather 10 pieces of wood."
minLevel = 1
repeatable = true
quest_text = '''
Hello adventurer!
Are you interested in a quest?
I need you to gather 10 pieces of wood for me, "Old Choppy".

I'll pay you 10 gold for your troubles.'''

Notice that the _questText field has been serialized as a literal multi-line string, which means that the quotes around "Old Choppy" are not escaped. All whitespace will be preserved after the first newline after the triple quotes.

Array Example

public class Guardian
    private string _name;
    private float _aggroRadius;
    private List<string> _dialogueOptions;

Would serialize into...

name = "Guardian"
aggroRadius = 10.0
dialogueOptions = [
    "Hello adventurer!",
    "Are you interested in a quest?",
    "Halt! You are not welcome here!",

Notice that the _dialogueOptions field has been serialized as a multi-line array, with each element on a new line.

Each item will be indent with 4 spaces, which is the default indentation for TOML.



The TomlOctalNumberAttribute can be applied to any integer type field to serialize it as octal numbers.

NOTE: This attribute has no effect on deserialization, as the number format is inferred from the TOML document.


When applied to a field, it will serialize the integer number as an octal number when serializing to TOML.

The value will be prefixed with 0o when serialized.



public class FileInfo
    private string _name;
    private long _sizeInBytes;
    private int _permissions;

Would serialize into...

name = "file.txt"
sizeInBytes = 1024
permissions = 0o644

Notice that the _permissions field is serialized as an octal number.



The TomlPascalCaseAttribute can be applied to any class, struct, or field. It will cause the serializer to use PascalCase when serializing the value or values to TOML.

This is the default string casing so applying this attribute has no effect unless you have changed the default string casing for a class or struct.


  • When applied to a class or struct, it will cause the serializer to use PascalCase when writing each field of the class or struct to TOML.
  • When applied to a field, it will cause the serializer to use PascalCase when writing the key of the field to TOML.

NOTE: This is will be ignored if the TomlKeyAttribute is applied to the field.


This attribute is not inherited by derived classes. However, fields of base classes marked with this attribute will still be serialized using PascalCase.

It is also not propagated to child objects when serializing nested complex types. You must apply this attribute to other complex types within the object graph if you want them to be serialized using PascalCase.


Class Example

public class Quest
    private string _questName;
    private string _questDescription;
    private int _minLevel;
    private bool _isRepeatable;

Would serialize into...

QuestName = "Gather 10 Wood"
QuestDescription = "Gather 10 pieces of wood."
MinLevel = 1
IsRepeatable = true

Notice that the keys of the fields are serialized using PascalCase.

Field Example

public class Quest
    private int _questId;
    private string _questName;
    private string _questDescription;
    private int _minLevel;
    private bool _isRepeatable;

Would serialize into...

QuestId = 1
questName = "Gather 10 Wood"
questDescription = "Gather 10 pieces of wood."
minLevel = 1
isRepeatable = true

Notice that the key of the _questId field is serialized using PascalCase while the other keys are serialized using the default casing.



The TomlSnakeCaseAttribute can be applied to any class, struct, or field. It will cause the serializer to use snake_case when serializing the value or values to TOML.

This is the default string casing so applying this attribute has no effect unless you have changed the default string casing for a class or struct.


  • When applied to a class or struct, it will cause the serializer to use snake_case when writing each field of the class or struct to TOML.
  • When applied to a field, it will cause the serializer to use snake_case when writing the key of the field to TOML.

By default, it will be serialized as lowercase. This can be changed by passing true in the constructor for UPPER_SNAKE_CASE instead.

NOTE: This is will be ignored if the TomlKeyAttribute is applied to the field.


This attribute is not inherited by derived classes. However, fields of base classes marked with this attribute will still be serialized using snake_case.

It is also not propagated to child objects when serializing nested complex types. You must apply this attribute to other complex types within the object graph if you want them to be serialized using snake_case.

Public Properties

  • IsUpperCase : bool (get) - Whether the string should be serialized as an uppercase string.


Class Example

public class Quest
    private string _questName;
    private string _questDescription;
    private int _minLevel;
    private bool _isRepeatable;

Would serialize into...

quest_name = "Gather 10 Wood"
quest_description = "Gather 10 pieces of wood."
min_level = 1
is_repeatable = true

Notice that the keys of the fields are serialized using snake_case.

Field Example

public class Quest
    private int _questId;
    private string _questName;
    private string _questDescription;
    private int _minLevel;
    private bool _isRepeatable;

Would serialize into...

quest_id = 1
questName = "Gather 10 Wood"
questDescription = "Gather 10 pieces of wood."
minLevel = 1
isRepeatable = true

Notice that the key of the _questId field is serialized using snake_case while the other fields are serialized using the default casing.