
A MonoBehaviour class component.


Component that provides methods for importing TOML data into ScriptableObject instances from Unity scenes.

Serialized Fields (Inspector)

  • targetObject : ScriptableObject - The ScriptableObject to import TOML data into.
  • inputFile : string - The path to the TOML file to import from.
  • usePersistentDataPath : bool - Whether to use the persistent data path for the imported TOML file.

NOTE: The inputFile can include directories, but the directory must already exist.

Public Events (Inspector)

  • onImport : UnityEvent - The actions to perform when the import process completes successfully.
  • onError : UnityEvent<Exception> - The actions to perform when the import process fails.

Public Properties

  • TargetObject : ScriptableObject (get, set) - The ScriptableObject to import TOML data into.
  • InputFile : string (get, set) - The path to the TOML file to import from.
  • UsePersistentDataPath : bool (get, set) - Whether to use the persistent data path for the imported TOML file.

Public Methods

  • Import() - Imports TOML data from a file with the default input file name.
  • ImportFrom(string) - Imports TOML data from a file with the specified file name.

Input Directory

If usePersistentDataPath is true, the input directory will be appended to the persistent data path, otherwise it will be appended to the application data path.

usePersistentDataPathResolved Path
trueApplication.persistentDataPath + filename
falseApplication.dataPath + filename